Music News - Glenn Vanstrum

Pianist, Guitarist, Singer/Songwriter




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August 6, 2025 (Wednesday) Encinitas Library, Noon, Acoustic Guitar/Singer/Songwriter Concert. Original folk songs, blues, and sea shanties.

July 13, 2025 (Sunday) 2:00 pm, La Jolla Riford Library, Acoustic Guitar/Singer/Songwriter Concert. Original folk songs, blues, and sea shanties.

March 19, 2025 (Wednesdy), Noon, Encinitas Library. Piano Solo, Beethoven, Early, Middle, and Late Sonatas, Op. 10, #1, Op. 53, Op, 109.

March 16, 2025 (Sunday) 2:00 p.m, La Jolla Riford Library, Piano Solo, Beethoven, Early, Middle, and Late Sonatas, Op. 10, #1, Op. 53, Op, 109.

August 14, 2024 (Wednesday) Noon. Encinitas Library. Cello/Piano Duo with Don Newmeyer (cello). Works by Samuel Barber and Cesar Franck.

August 4, 2024 (Sunday) Methodist Church, 2 p.m. Cello/Piano Duo with Don Newmeyer (cello). Works by Samuel Barber and Cesar Franck.

November 24, 2019 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. Cello/Piano Concert with Peter Stoffer (cello) and Glenn Vanstrum (piano). Works by Chopin, Debussy, Cassado, and Part.

February 17, 2019 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. Cello and Piano Duos with Peter Stoffer (cello) and Glenn Vanstrum (piano). Short works by Schumann, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Faure, plus the A Major sonata by Cesar Franck.

October 28, 2018 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. Piano Solo; Beethoven Op. 10 #1., Op. 53 (Waldstein): Glenn Vanstrum; Piano solo works by Gershwin and other American composers: Erica Poole.

June 18, 2017 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Schumann, Op. 23, piano four hands with Erica Poole; Arensky Piano Trio in D minor -- Erica Poole, Andy Helgerson, and Cliff Thrasher; Dvorak Piano Quintet in A Major with Ray Mak, Andy Helgerson (violins); Lee Wolfe (viola) and Cliff Thrasher (cello).

October 23, 2016 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.: Piano Quintet in D minor by Gabriel Faure with Ray Mak and Andy Helgerson (violins); Penelope Bridges (viola); Cliff Thrasher ('cello). Ma Mere l'Oye by Maurice Ravel, suite for piano four hands with Erica J. Poole.

July 24, 2016 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; Four-hands Piano with Erica J. Poole; Beethoven, Debussy, Brahms.

September 27, 2015 (Sunday), La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. Piano Solo; Mozart, Beethoven, Gryc, Debussy.

June 21, 2015 (Sunday) Atlanta, Georgia, 2 p.m.; Piano Solo; Mozart, Beethoven, Gryc, Debussy.

March 22, 2015 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; Four-hands Piano with Erica J. Poole; Mozart, Schubert, Gershwin.

October 26, 2014 (Sunday) Calsbad Library, Schulman Auditorium, 2 pm; Vanstrum/Loeb/White Trio, Bridge, Schubert, Bloch, Brahms.

October 19, 2014 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; Vanstrum/Loeb/White Trio, Bridge, Schubert, Bloch, Brahms.

May 18, 2014 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library; 2 p/m; Vanstrum/Loeb/White Trio, Bridge and Schubert; Wendy Loeb/Fontaine Laing duo, Franck violin sonata.

November 6, 2013 (Wednesday) Encinitas Public Library; 12 noon, White/Vanstrum, Cello/Piano Sonatas: Beethoven A Major, Brahms E minor.

October 27, 2013 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. White/Vanstrum, Cello/Piano Sonatas: Beethoven A Major, Delius, Brahms E minor.

May 12, 2013 (Sunday) La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m. Pianoforte solo: Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy

April 31, 2013 (Sunday) Atlanta, Georgia--Pianoforte solo: Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy

February 3, 2013 (Sunday), 2:00 p.m Vanstrum/Bak/White Trio, Calsbad Library, Schulman Auditorium, 2 pm.

January 20, 2013 (Sunday) 2:00 pm--Vanstrum/Bak/White Trio, Inaugural Concert--La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; with Janet White, cellist. Faure, Beethoven, Brahms.

November 21, 2012 (Wednesday)--Encinitas Library, 12:00 noon. Piano solo program of Beethoven and Chopin.

October 28, 2012 (Sunday) -- Calsbad Library, Schulman Auditorium, 2 pm. Violin/Piano Sonatas with Roy Bak (Handel, Martinu, Schubert, Dvorak)

October 21, 2012 (Sunday) -- La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; Violin/Piano Sontas with Roy Bak (Handel, Martinu, Schubert, Dvorak).

May 20, 2012 Atlanta, Georgia--Violin/Piano Sontas with Roy Bak (Handel, Martinu, Schubert, Dvorak).

November 28, 2011 (Monday) --12:00 Noon--Lyceum Theatre. "The Three B's -- Bach, Beethoven, Brahms" -- Violin/Piano Sonatas with Roy Bak, Violin

October 2, 2011 (Sunday) -- La Jolla Riford Library, 2 p.m.; "The Three B's -- Bach, Beethoven, Brahms" -- Violin/Piano Sonatas with Roy Bak, Violin

September 26, 2010 La Jolla Riford Library --Violin/Piano Sonatas with Roy Bak

January 23, 2010 Atlanta, Georgia -- Violin/Piano Sonatas with Roy Bak



Music Bio

Glenn Vanstrum first studied piano in Minneapolis with his grandmother, pianist Edna Vanstrum, at age five. He started playing guitar at age ten and continued playing both in numerous ensembles through high school. At Grinnell College he majored in music and studied piano with the late Nathan Schwartz of the Francesco Trio. He continued piano studies there with Cecil Lytle, winning a concerto competition and playing the Bartok 3rd Piano Concerto with the Grinnell Symphony. Throughout his stay at Grinnell he played guitar and wrote songs in rock and jazz bands. He taught both instruments at Blue Lake music school in Michigan after graduating and before moving to the Bay Area, where he studied piano with Nathan Schwartz.

The Vanstrum Trio had its premier in Iowa, performed by Cecil Lytle and members of the Manhattan String Quartet. Vanstrum has performed the piano part of his cello sonata both in Iowa and at the San Francisco Conservatory. He furthered his piano studies with Mr. Schwartz in the Bay Area. More recently he has played solo piano concerts, cello/piano sonatas with Peter Stoffer and Donald Newmeyer, and four hands piano with Erica Poole.

Vanstrum has remained active as a singer/songwriter/guitarist, has been an active member of the San Diego and Los Angeles songwriting guilds, and has lately been on a songwriting and guitar binge.


Youtube/PianoStreet Links


Solo Piano








Piano Four-Hands (Erica Poole/Glenn Vanstrum)


Piano Trio







Violin/Piano Duos






